Sunday, November 2, 2008

Everything to me

November is National Adoption month and we thought it only appropriate to celebrate by honoring the one person that that makes all adoptions possible. Whether the path of domestic or internationally adoption is chosen, the one common denominator is the birth mother.

To all birth mothers across the US and around the world; thank you for making one of the hardest decisions in your life. Thank you for choosing life.
Thank you for carrying a child for nine months, going through the pain of labor, holding the child in your arms and loving the child so much that you did the most unselfish thing you could do. You game this child a chance to live, you gave this child a mommy and daddy, you gave this child hope.

The video below is a song by Mark Schultz who was given up for adoption. It is his tribute to his birth mother and birth mothers around the world.

Thank you for everything


  1. I love this song and video. I had it on my blog for a long time. I work at at Pregnancy Care Center and birth moms are precious to us!!! We pray for Hudson's ALL the time, that they would somehow know the Lord so we can all spend eternity together!

  2. Hey Sheri, I tagged you, go to my blog and find out the details....

  3. Hey guys! This video is awesome. And perfect for this month.

  4. Hurray for birth moms! I am so grateful for my birth mom and my adoptive mom.

  5. Hey, Thought I'd say hi ! I am using AWAA and am "paper pregnant " too. I think you are a little ahead of me though....Anyway, so nice to read of someone going through the same thing as me. I will hopefully have my blog up soon - I'm adopting from China - I gotta have a blog right? LOL We have decided to go the SN route.

  6. Hey, if you still want to donate a dress, we are giving dresses next month to the Crisis pregnancy Center in our town. Send me an e-mail if you are interested at
    Julie- little girls dresses

  7. Hi Kathy

    Congratulations! Thanks for checking in on us. Have you adopted before?


  8. Hi Sheri,
    I found your blog thru my brother and sister-in-law, Tim and Tanya. I love this video and the words you wrote. We are in the process with China (going thru AWAA too) and just last May the Lord surprised us by placing Carly in our lives thru domestic adoption. Would you care if I posted your words on my blog?? You said it so well, I couldn't say it better.


  9. Hello,

    I stumbled across your blog on
    the famous RQ. I live in AZ TOO!
    We recieved our precious Allie
    in Sept of 2007 and are waiting
    for a match SN sometime in 2009
    If you ever want to chat! PM
    VIA RQ. Or come to my blog!!!

    Have a great day!


  10. Hi Dave and Sheri...

    I recently stumbled onto your blog, and have been encouraged in reading about your journey. My husband and I are also in the paper chase to adopt from China (we're awaiting CIS approval as well), and yours is one of the first blogs I've found where you're almost in the same spot as us. It's encouraging to read all you've managed to accomplish since June!

    And, as with you guys, this is our first child and first adoption. Very exciting!

    Good luck! I hope you don't mind me following your journey...
